Keywords: globalization, world economy, international business activity, international competition, international marketing strategy, information support of international marketing research


The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the use of international marketing as a comprehensive tool for achieving strategic goals on international markets in the conditions of economic globalization. Modern approaches to the interpretation of the essence and consequences of the process of globalization of the world economy are considered. The role of international marketing in using the opportunities of enterprises in foreign markets under the conditions of complication and intensification of global competition is determined. Based on the systematization of literary sources, the prerequisites for the development of international marketing are highlighted. Studies have shown that the subject of international marketing is the adoption of well-founded marketing management decisions regarding the feasibility of entering the foreign market, the selection of available and promising foreign markets for the enterprise, the forms of entering the foreign market and the development of a marketing complex for a specific market. It is emphasized that international marketing as a whole reflects the scale of the enterprise's foreign economic activity and is implemented through its following types: multinational, global and transnational. The novelty of the study lies in the further development of the theoretical and applied principles of international marketing as a basis for the development of international business. According to the authors, the development of international marketing can become one of the main factors in overcoming instability and economic crisis in the world economy. International marketing must monitor and adapt to all changes in technology that shape and develop the needs of target consumers both globally and in individual national markets, and find optimal ways for their maximum satisfaction. Strengthening the business activity of domestic enterprises on international markets requires systematic marketing research and the identification of potential opportunities for creating sustainable competitive advantages. To solve these problems, the use of modern digital technologies as one of the most effective tools of informational support of foreign economic activity is substantiated as a strategic direction of international marketing activity. It is proposed to choose marketing methods in foreign markets taking into account market forecasts, international practices, the specifics of export products and market trends. The approaches to the development of international marketing strategies are summarized and the algorithm for the development of modern international marketing strategies is defined in accordance with the goals and general business strategy of the enterprise, taking into account development opportunities.


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