The article is devoted to the topic of chains of added value in the agro-industrial complex. Global value chains have now become an important part of the globalized world economy. Given that global chains have a significant impact not only on individual companies and multinational corporations, but also on entire countries, it is important to analyze the impact on the agribusiness sector of each country that exists at the global level. To operate effectively in these environments, companies need to change their organizational structures to increase flexibility and formalize business processes, especially those related to the value chain. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the peculiarities of the formation of value-added chains in the production of products from raw materials obtained in agriculture. Given the opportunities that value chains provide to developing countries, government and development agencies have developed and implemented various strategies and programs to integrate value chains, despite numerous risks and concerns. Some companies are focused on market development, others on improving the organizational structure and increasing productivity, and still others on creating networks, foreign investments, technology transfer and skill development the integration of Ukrainian industrial products into world exports contributed to the integration of Ukrainian industrial products into world exports. In general, the benefits for the agricultural sector and the national economy in general from the implementation of the analyzed and similar projects in the field of biofuels consist in strengthening the role of bioenergy in the national energy balance and increasing the self-sufficiency of farmers with biofuels. Given the change in the geographic and product vectors of domestic exports, it is worth noting that Ukraine’s further participation in international trade depends on strengthening the competitiveness of the domestic value chain. Further research should be aimed at developing effective tools to support Ukrainian industry in the context of modern trade agreements.
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