Keywords: outsourcing, strategic management, enterprise activity, HR-outsourcing, outstaffing


The article presents an analysis of the concept of outstaffing. The etymology and key functions of the specified term are determined, as well as an overview of its development and integration into the sphere of modern business. Special attention is focused on the role of outstaffing in ensuring effective management of the working resources of organizations, reducing costs and attracting specialized specialists as needed. The article examines the evolution of outstaffing in the context of significant industrial and technological changes that took place in the 20th and early 21st centuries. Attention is focused on its significance for optimizing costs and increasing flexibility in personnel management. The article carries out a comparative analysis of outstaffing and outsourcing, which allows to determine the key criteria for choosing the optimal resource management strategy in view of the specific needs of the enterprise. A comprehensive analysis of outsourcing and outstaffing strategies was carried out, highlighting their importance for resource management in the modern business context. In particular, it is considered how the decision to use one of these models is determined by the specific needs of the organization, the type of work and the requirements for flexibility. This helped to understand in detail the advantages and potential disadvantages of each approach. The article provides examples of the use of outstaffing in various sectors of the economy, including technology companies, startups, manufacturing enterprises, and healthcare institutions. These examples illustrate the contribution of outstaffing to the solution of specific tasks or the implementation of projects. A SWOT analysis was conducted, which allows assessing the strengths and weaknesses of outstaffing, as well as identifying opportunities for development and potential threats associated with its use. Based on the analysis, recommendations are offered for organizations that intend to integrate outstaffing into their corporate strategy. The necessity of forming clear performance indicators, ensuring the confidentiality of information, optimizing costs and increasing overall productivity, as well as the importance of cultural adaptation and improvement of project management and communication processes is indicated. It is highlighted that the successful implementation of outstaffing can significantly increase the flexibility, efficiency and competitiveness of companies in the market, while minimizing potential risks. At the same time, the article highlights the existing risks associated with employment instability, potential wage declines, and limited opportunities for professional growth. It is outlined that adapting the labor market to such changes requires careful regulation and a strategic approach by governments and businesses.


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How to Cite
Kohut, M., Sodoma, R., & Dubynetska, P. (2024). OUTSOURCING AND OUTSTAFFING: CHOOSING AN EFFECTIVE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY IN MODERN BUSINESS. Via Economica, (4), 102-108. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-8559/2024-4-14