Keywords: shipping, fuel and energy resources, energy efficiency, vessels speed, operating expenses


The article considers the issues of economic assessment of the results of a shipping company's operation depending on the vessels speed and a certain amount of harmful emissions due to the vessels operation at different speeds. The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as amended by the Protocol of 1978 or "MARPOL 73/78", is one of the most important international maritime environmental conventions. It was developed by the International Maritime Organization to minimize pollution of the environment - seas, oceans, air - including oil discharges and pollution and other harmful emissions into the hydrosphere and atmosphere. As of January 2018, 156 countries are parties to the Convention, representing 99.42% of the world's tonnage. All ships flying the flag of countries that are signatories to MARPOL 73/78 are subject to its requirements, regardless of where they operate, and member states are responsible for ships registered in their national ship registry. Fuel costs are one of the main cost items when using marine transport, so it is important to develop a set of measures aimed at reducing fuel consumption on operating vessels. Cargo delivery time is one of the most important indicators that characterizes the quality of the transportation process, but on the other hand, the operation of vessels within certain speed ranges can achieve a significant reduction in fuel consumption and, as a result, reduce operating costs and harmful emissions from vessels. Therefore, when choosing the optimal speed for ships, it is important to maintain a balance between these two indicators. There are several ways to save fuel in ships operating. One of them is to upgrade the fleet with advanced new generation vessels equipped with modern engines. This way involves significant investments. The other way is to improve the organisational and economic conditions for the use of the company's material and technical resources, resulting in their rational use, which in turn allows to improve rationing and accounting of fuel and energy resources, lubricants, spare parts and equipment.


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How to Cite
Lapkina, I., & Glavatskhih, V. (2024). ECONOMIC ASPECT IN THE MANAGEMENT OF ENERGY RESOURCES OF SHIPS. Via Economica, (4), 119-124.