Keywords: innovations, e-business, cluster analysis, factor analysis, received information


The article argues that all factors influencing the effectiveness of forming and developing innovation management systems in e-business can be divided into three groups: factors with low, medium, and high levels of significance. The first group includes leadership and management, as well as market trends; the second group comprises technological factors and organizational culture; and the third group encompasses all others (such as financing and resources, regulatory policies, collaboration and partnerships, training and personnel development, customer feedback, data analysis, and insights). Based on cluster analysis, it has been proven that the overall set of factors is divided into two groups, within which two tree-like structures exist, somewhat autonomously from each other. It is argued that the practical application of the obtained information about the groups of factors and their interrelationships is the development of a strategy for optimizing innovation management in e-business, based on considering the most significant factors. By analyzing the interaction between groups, resources can be effectively allocated, prioritizing those factors that have a higher impact on the overall system effectiveness. Additionally, through cluster analysis, potential opportunities for innovation and improvement can be identified, taking into account the specific nature of each of the identified groups of factors. In the process of managing innovations in e-business, the interaction between market trends, technological factors, and organizational culture plays a crucial role. Understanding and adapting to market needs and changes prompt innovations and the implementation of new technologies. Fostering an innovative culture within the organization, which encourages risk-taking and experimentation, ensures the effective implementation of these innovations, supporting competitiveness and sustainable development. Developing the skills and knowledge of personnel also plays an important role in this process, enabling effective responses to new technological trends and market changes. Engaging external partners and collaborations enriches experience and expands opportunities for innovation, thereby enhancing the company's strategic position in the market. Consequently, an integrated approach to innovation management, which includes understanding market trends, technological innovations, organizational culture, personnel development, and external partnerships, is key to success in e-business.


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How to Cite
Pylypenko, I., Kniaz, S., & Rusyn-Hrynyk, R. (2024). ASSESSMENT OF THE FACTORS OF INFLUENCE ON THE INNOVATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN E-BUSINESS. Via Economica, (4), 140-145.