Keywords: ecological responsibility, «green» economy, «green» products, ecologically sustainable development, ecological consciousness, ecological personality, ecological communications


The article examines the essence of the concept of «environmental responsibility». It has been proven that it involves not only responsibility for causing damage to the environment, but also the implementation of preventive measures to prevent it, as well as the presence of moral and ethical norms. It was determined that one of the areas of environmental responsibility is ecologically oriented consumption. Compliance with the principles of environmental responsibility by a business entity allows creating additional advantages of products on the market, increasing the value of the enterprise brand. It was established that ecological thinking, ecological attitudes, ecological behavior determine the ecological consciousness of the consumer, which forms him as an ecological personality. The research results confirmed that, despite the lower level of solvency of Ukrainian consumers compared to developed countries of the world, the level of their environmental awareness is quite high. This trend is due to the general high level of social consciousness, the growth of which is caused in particular by russia's criminal invasion of Ukraine. It has been proven that an important condition for the positive dynamics of the growth of the reputational capital of enterprises due to a careful attitude to the environment is the increase of consumer awareness regarding the implementation of their environmental policy under the condition of intensification of environmental communications. The main principles of building environmental communications include: conducting qualitative and quantitative research, using targeted messages and messages based on values, using social influences and social norms, building relationships, effective use of colloquial language, localization of environmental problems. It was determined that technical progress contributes to the solution of environmental problems through increased intensification of environmental communications. It has been proven that the establishment of effective environmental communications contributes to the growth of environmental awareness of all participants in business processes, which creates prerequisites for Ukraine's successful entry into the European Economic Area.


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How to Cite
Pyrtko, S., & Pyrtko, M. (2024). ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY AS THE BASIC PRINCIPLE OF ENSURING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Via Economica, (4), 146-153. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-8559/2024-4-20