Keywords: business ecosystem, creative industries, creative business ecosystem, digital marketing tools, marketing strategy


The article presents the results of the research on the development of creative industries in modern conditions. Based on the generalization and systematization of literary sources, a hypothesis was formulated regarding the possibility of considering creative industries as a creative business ecosystem. The expansion of the conceptual apparatus is caused by the changes that have taken place and are currently taking place in the economy of many countries. The post-pandemic period, and for Ukraine the beginning of military aggression by the Russian Federation, proved that creative industries are one of the spheres of economic activity capable of ensuring the growth of the country's economic potential. From the statistical data presented in the article, it is clear that they continue their rise despite the crises that have been and are. In addition to positive trends in the field of creative industries, the study also revealed certain shortcomings. One of them is the low level of structuring of this industry, which prevents it from revealing its full potential. Based on the theory of J. Moore and J. DeLonghi about business ecosystems, it was proposed to consider creative industries from this point of view. This made it possible to expand the category apparatus and allows a more productive approach to solving the issue of forming digital marketing tools. The development of a creative business ecosystem directly depends on the marketing strategy of development chosen by it. It makes it possible to create conditions for increasing the competitiveness of the business structure, to provide a clear understanding of one's own strengths and weaknesses, to reasonably approach the description and formation of the consumer portrait and the characteristics of the target audience, to form a system of digital tools that will meet the requirements of the creative business ecosystem in its pursuit meet the needs of consumers. The article provides practical examples of implemented cases of creative business ecosystems, which makes it possible to assert the provenance of the hypothesis put forward at the beginning of the research.


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