Keywords: CRM-system, small business, customers, efficiency, profitability


The aim of the article is to assess the impact of CRM systems implementation on the efficiency of management and development of small businesses. The article analyzes current research and publications in the field of efficiency of implementation of CRM systems in the activities of enterprises, which indicate a significant interest in this topic among scientists and practitioners. At the same time, a more in-depth analysis of the effectiveness of implementing CRM systems in small business and their impact on efficiency and profitability indicators is required. The article identifies the unique challenges that affect the choice of a CRM system for small businesses and determines that the optimal choice is to choose a simplified system with the necessary functions aimed at managing the sales department, with easy learning and ease of management and customization of the interface. The advantages of introducing a CRM system to small businesses are highlighted and it is confirmed that the introduction of a CRM system in small business helps to increase the efficiency of management and control over business processes, facilitating faster decision-making and optimizing the use of resources. The efficiency of implementation of CRM-systems in the activities of small businesses on the example of LLC «Komsiti» is evaluated. The article determines that the introduction of a CRM system in modern business, especially in the activities of small enterprises, is a key step in improving management and achieving maximum results. The implementation of the KeyCRM CRM system at LLC «Komsiti» in 2021 is crucial in the context of its specialization in the field of integrated facility maintenance, including centralized water supply and waste management. It is determined that the financial result of LLC «Komsiti» has significantly improved, which is manifested in an increase in net profit and indicates the success of the CRM system implementation, but also indicates the need for cost management and effective control over them for further stable business development. It is noted that the implementation of the CRM system contributed to the improvement of all profitability indicators of LLC «Komsiti», which indicates a successful management strategy and great potential for further development.


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How to Cite
Proshchenko, A. (2024). EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CRM SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTATION IN THE ACTIVITIES OF SMALL BUSINESSES. Via Economica, (4), 165-170. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-8559/2024-4-23