Keywords: intellectual property, management mechanisms, legal regulation, policy, public administration


This paper examines the role and importance of management mechanisms in the process of ensuring the intellectual property sphere. The author reveals the essence of the concept of «intellectual property», which is a value and capital of both individual entities and the State in their totality. The author emphasizes that most approaches to the definition of this category demonstrate its legal aspect and socio-philosophical position, however, the paper focuses on the importance of the managerial approach. In addition, the author identifies the functions and specific features of intellectual property as a means of a competitive resource of property objects. It is found that the most important management mechanisms of the public authority system are the information, organizational and regulatory and legal composition, which are interrelated and complementary, each of which has its own indicators of the system's activity. The paper reveals their content and defines their components. It is established that the information management mechanism is the communication resources and processes of information support for the formation, functioning and development of systems. At the same time, it is determined that the organizational management mechanism is an open structural and functional organism which has interdependent elements of the system which are united by the purpose, goals and objectives, and their implementation is carried out in accordance with the principles, functions and methods of management. The essence of the regulatory and legal management mechanism is disclosed as a set of sector-specific legislative decisions designed to regulate, streamline and ensure the functioning and development of the intellectual property sphere by law. The existing problems in the field of intellectual property, current challenges in the context of war, and Ukraine's integration into the European community - all these and other factors make it necessary to reform the intellectual property system. The changes should result in ensuring the national interests of the State, as well as the socio-economic benefits of individual business structures and property rights holders.


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How to Cite
Savchenko, O., & Demianiuk, O. (2024). INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF UKRAINE, MANAGEMENT MECHANISMS FOR ITS PROTECTION. Via Economica, (4), 171-176.