The purpose of the article is to investigate the impact of digital tools on territorial marketing and to examine their use for optimizing strategies and pricing in this context. The article discusses such aspects as data analytics, geolocation, mobile applications, and other digital tools that allow companies to collect, analyze, and use data to improve marketing strategies and pricing. The author’s contribution to solving the research problem lies in studying and analyzing the impact of digital tools on territorial marketing. It is found that these tools allow companies to analyze the effectiveness of marketing activities, measure conversion and ROI, optimize strategies and pricing, and improve communication with customers. It is noted that research in this area can focus on the development of new technologies, the study of their impact on consumers and social aspects, as well as the development of new strategies to optimize marketing activities. Digital integration in territorial marketing is important for optimizing strategies and pricing in the context of territorial marketing. This allows increasing the efficiency of marketing activities by providing more accurate targeting of advertising efforts to the target audience and reducing advertising costs. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the possibility for companies to optimize their marketing strategies and pricing, as well as to improve communication with customers. The research has shown that digital integration in territorial marketing allows companies to attract and retain customers, as well as to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their marketing activities. Therefore, digital integration also allows increasing audience engagement through various digital communication channels and increasing the accuracy and effectiveness of pricing through data analysis of market demand and supply. Overall, digital integration in territorial marketing allows companies to increase competitiveness and attract more customers.
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