Keywords: financial and economic security, e-business subjects, tactical management, risks, threats, risk management, business structures, digital technologies, digital economy and society


The article examines risk management as a tool for managing the financial and economic security of e-business entities in the conditions of the digital economy and social. Reasonably, digitalization, on the one hand, provides business with new opportunities for development, and on the other hand, it causes additional risks. This makes adjustments to the socio-economic development of e-business entities and determines the need to update approaches to managing financial and economic security. It was determined that the model of providing financial and economic security to a small business enterprise is based on risk management. The risks of small business enterprises are systematized depending on the nature of the possible threats associated with the use of digital technologies, the key requirements for the risk management system are formulated, and the implementation scheme of the system in the conditions of digital transformation of socio-economic processes is given. It is emphasized that the management of the financial and economic security of e-business subjects involves the development of a risk management system capable of promptly responding to changes in the social and political situation, having the property of self-regulation, and counteracting the negative influence of internal and external factors. It has been proven that the ability to identify risk factors and reduce their level of influence is of primary importance for the creation and functioning of the risk management system of e-business entities. It was determined that as one of the effective mechanisms for managing the financial and economic security of e-business entities in the conditions of digitalization, it is proposed to use an active risk management system. The key requirements for the risk management system are formulated in order to ensure the financial and economic security of e-business entities. It has been proven that risk management in order to ensure the financial and economic security of e-business entities is a continuous iterative process that directs and coordinates key areas of activity. Systematization of risks of e-business entities plays an important role in ensuring financial and economic security. We formulate the requirements for an active risk management system to ensure the financial and economic security of e-business entities in the conditions of digitalization. The scheme of the risk management system of e-business subjects has been developed.


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How to Cite
Nadtochii, I., Kramarenko, I., & Hryshyna, N. (2024). RISK MANAGEMENT AS A TOOL FOR MANAGING THE FINANCIAL AND ECONOMIC SECURITY OF E-BUSINESS ENTITIES IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE DIGITAL ECONOMY AND SOCIETY. Via Economica, (4), 212-218. https://doi.org/10.32782/2786-8559/2024-4-30