Keywords: digital transformation, strategic human capital management, HR technologies, data analytics, digital culture, change management


Digital transformation is radically changing business, affecting all aspects of management, including the strategic management of human capital. Digital technologies are becoming a key factor in the competitiveness and sustainability of organizations. The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI), big data (Big Data), the Internet of Things (IoT) and blockchain creates new opportunities for optimizing HR processes, improving productivity and decision-making. These technologies help HR managers more effectively attract and retain talented employees, automate routine processes, and focus on strategic tasks. Using data analytics allows you to make informed decisions, forecast staffing needs and evaluate the effectiveness of development programs, increasing productivity and business results. Digital transformation also requires the adaptation of competency models to the digital age. Organizations must invest in the development of digital skills, create flexible training and retraining programs, and maintain a culture of continuous learning and innovation. Building a digital culture is becoming critical to success in a rapidly changing environment. However, digital transformation comes with challenges such as resistance to change, the need to retrain staff and ethical issues. Organizations need to develop effective change management strategies, communicate the importance of change to staff, and build support for the adoption of new technologies. Leadership plays a key role in this process, motivating employees to embrace change. Digital transformation has a significant impact on the strategic management of human capital, opening up new opportunities and challenges. Organizations need to proactively adapt, invest in digital skills development and create a culture that supports innovation and continuous learning to ensure competitiveness and success in the digital age.


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How to Cite
Hoichuk, V., & Lyubomudrova, N. (2024). THE IMPACT OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION ON STRATEGIC HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT. Via Economica, (5), 28-35.