Keywords: economy, analysis, competitiveness, development


The article clarifies the specifics of human resources as an active agent of social development. Emphasis is placed on socio-demographic changes in Ukrainian society caused by a decrease in the share of the economically active population, primarily due to irreparable death and physical-psychological losses and forced migration. The expediency of ensuring the competitiveness of human resources in the national economy is substantiated, taking into account modern challenges, and its conceptual foundations are proposed. The key elements of the competitiveness of human resources ensuring are determined. They include motivation to self-awareness of competitiveness importance increasing, inter-industry in solving problems of ensuring the competitiveness of human resources, interaction and coordination mechanisms of performers. It is proved that the basis of the proposed concept of ensuring the competitiveness of human resources is their activity, the resource of ensuring competitiveness is the environment, and the sphere of interaction between the activity of human resources and the environment is motivation. The conceptual directions of ensuring the competitiveness of human resources in the modern national economy and their components are disclosed. They include: motivating for the growth of competitiveness of human resources by means of economic, psychological and social motivation, a system of guarantees and responsibility; development of infrastructure components through institutional, informational, normative and mental transformations; increasing the activity of human resources by supporting their demographic, educational and professional qualities. It is substantiated that an effective model of management and financing in the processes of ensuring the competitiveness of human resources is a combination of market and state mechanisms. It is expected that the motives, incentives and guarantees formed in this context, supported by active human resources and appropriate opportunities of the environment, will contribute to the innovative reorientation of the economy and its socio-economic development.


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