Keywords: management mechanism, personnel security of the enterprise, security activity, threat, interest


Before Covid-19, the issue of ensuring personnel security was inferior in priority to problems in the field of the financial component of the economic security of the enterprise. The new phase of military aggression has radically changed the situation on the labor market, with the current significant labor shortage. A significant number of refugees, internally displaced persons and the implementation of the mobilization program slow down the stabilization processes in the national economy. The existing experience of ensuring personnel security does not correspond to the current situation and will be ineffective even in the period of post-war reconstruction due to global trends towards the intellectualization of the economy under the pressure of automation, robotics and the increasingly widespread use of digital technologies, in particular artificial intelligence. The issue of improving the management of personnel security, in particular in terms of the development and use of an appropriate management mechanism, is gaining relevance for the ability to respond to the latest challenges. In order to clarify the content of the term "mechanism of managing the personnel security of the enterprise", the following methods were used: induction and deduction, comparison and systematization - to highlight the main approaches in the interpretation of the mechanism of managing the economic security of the enterprise; synthesis and analysis – when outlining specific moments of the mechanism for ensuring personnel security of the enterprise; morphological analysis – to formulate the author's vision of the meaning of the term "personnel security management mechanism of the enterprise"; abstract-logical – for theoretical generalizations and research conclusions. It has been found that the vast majority of Ukrainian researchers' intelligence is focused on outlining the parameters of the economic security management mechanism and partly on its financial component. In some cases, the mechanism for ensuring personnel security is considered, which in aggregate does not contribute to increasing the effectiveness of the governing influence of subjects on security objects. The results of the performed critical analysis of known approaches became the basis for substantiating the meaning of the term "personnel security management mechanism of the enterprise" as a system that, consisting of subsystems of a lower order, contains a toolkit (leverages, methods and tools) for the implementation of measures that are developed taking into account changes in the internal and external environment and correspond to the purpose, principles and functions of the higher-order system, i.e. the personnel security management system of the enterprise.


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