Keywords: Industry 5.0, digitalization, Industry 5.0 Readiness Index, high technologies, Society 5.0


The article is devoted to the formation and verification of the index of countries' readiness for Industry 5.0, which is a new stage of industrial development, where the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are combined with a human-centered approach. The study highlights the key aspects of Industry 5.0: high-tech; human-centeredness; and environmental sustainability. Each of these components is analyzed as an important element that defines new principles of organization of production and cooperation between people and machines and is divided into seven subcomponents for each direction. The expediency of using each subcomponent in the index formula is substantiated. The proposed index provides an opportunity to assess the level of readiness of national economies to move to the next technological level and develop strategies to address the challenges posed by Industry 5.0. Differences in the level of readiness of different countries are considered, based on the results of the index calculations for individual countries. Thirteen countries were selected, divided into three peer groups according to the level of gross domestic product per capita. The study shows that economically developed countries, such as the United States, Singapore, and Sweden, are highly prepared to lead in Industry 5.0, while middle- and low-income countries, including Ukraine, are lagging behind and need large-scale reforms and significant investments. The results show that the developed index can serve as an important tool for assessing the level of readiness of countries for Industry 5.0 and identifying development priorities. This integral indicator helps countries identify weaknesses and identify areas that require increased attention to ensure sustainable and competitive development on the global stage. The results of the study will contribute to innovative growth and accelerate the process of digital transformation, which is a key factor in the new environment of globalization and technological change. It is important to note that the index helps to measure not only the technological level, but also social and environmental indicators of countries' readiness for a new stage of industrial development.


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How to Cite
Voitko, S., & Trotsko, V. (2024). DEVELOPING THE INDUSTRY 5.0 READINESS INDEX. Via Economica, (6), 19-24.