The relevance of state support for agribusiness to increase the level of food security is especially important in modern conditions due to a number of global and national challenges. State support for agribusiness through subsidies, soft loans, financial assistance programs, etc. will help farmers to ensure stable food production even in difficult wartime conditions. The purpose of the article is to analyze traditional and new programs of state support for the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine and directions of interaction between the state and agribusiness to ensure food security in the face of modern global challenges. During the research, the methods of analysis and synthesis, generalization, systematization, system analysis, logical and dialectical methods were used. Modern directions of stimulating the development of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine in the conditions of global challenges are considered. The dynamics of allocation of state support to the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine are analyzed. State support measures for the food sector have been systematized in accordance with the experience of foreign countries through the subsidy mechanism. Traditional and new programs of state support of the agro-industrial complex to ensure food security are highlighted. The directions and conditions of state support for agribusiness and their impact on ensuring food security are analyzed. The essence of direct, indirect and conditionally direct forms of state support for agribusiness is defined. The system of state support for the agricultural sector and the system of principles for providing state support to agribusiness to ensure food security in global challenges conditions are improved. The conducted research is the starting point for the analysis of the existing interaction between the state and the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine, which is implemented in various programs of state support for the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. As part of further research, it is planned to find strategic guidelines for the socio-economic interaction of the state and agribusiness to ensure the food security level in global challenges conditions.
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