The purpose of this article is to determine the specific features of the marketing complex of various types of industrial goods and services. Research methodology. During the research, the following research methods were used: abstract-logical, systemic-structural, method of analogies, structured and unstructured observations. Findings. This scientific paper analyzed individual trends in the marketing activities of enterprises in the B2B sector. The need to revise certain theoretical provisions of industrial marketing was substantiated. It was proposed to consider the peculiarities of marketing activities for certain types of industrial goods and services. The characteristics of the features of the marketing complex by types of industrial goods and services according to the existing classification were given. The following types of industrial products and services were explored: buildings and capital equipment; additional equipment (the class of industrial goods is designed to create operating conditions for capital equipment); auxiliary equipment (used to ensure the work of management personnel, clerks, marketing); accessories, parts and components; auxiliary materials (not included in the finished product, but used in the production process); processed materials (semi-finished products, material components); raw materials; industrial services. It was pointed out that dynamic changes in the macro-environment had a significant impact on business conditions and, accordingly, on the marketing activities of enterprises in the B2B sector. This made it necessary to review some theoretical provisions of industrial marketing. The impact of these changes is very different for different types of industrial goods and services. Therefore, the peculiarities of marketing activities of goods and services of industrial purpose must be considered in terms of individual types. While the marketing activity of some industrial products and services is becoming very similar to the markets of durable consumer goods, others retain their characteristic features, in accordance with the theoretical provisions of industrial marketing. Practical value. The results of the conducted research can be valuable for enterprises operating in the B2B sector for structuring marketing activities and increasing the effectiveness of marketing policy in the current turbulent economic conditions.
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