The article explores the relationship between Ukraine’s economic potential and the opportunities for monetizing digital services within the European Union. It analyzes the impact of technological innovations on the development of the IT sector in Ukraine and examines various monetization models used in the EU, with the aim of adapting these models to the Ukrainian context. The study places significant emphasis on legislative initiatives regulating the digital market and their influence on the development of the digital economy in Ukraine. The findings highlight Ukraine’s substantial potential for integration into the European digital space, which could drive economic growth and enhance the country’s competitiveness. The aim of the article is to analyze Ukraine’s economic potential in the context of digital service monetization, focusing on integration into the European digital market. The impact of technological innovations on the growth of the IT sector, a key driver of economic growth, is investigated. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the systematization of digital service monetization models used in the EU and their adaptation to the Ukrainian context. The article also highlights the role of legislative initiatives such as GDPR, DSA, and DMA in shaping conditions for digital business development. The practical significance of the findings includes the formulation of recommendations for Ukrainian IT companies on effectively integrating into the European market, including IT service export, outsourcing, FinTech development, and venture capital attraction. The study also provides insights into optimizing monetization strategies and adapting to European conditions, offering pathways for utilizing financial and institutional resources from the EU, such as venture capital, to support and develop innovative projects. The main conclusions of the research indicate Ukraine’s significant potential for integrating into the European digital space through the implementation of innovative technologies and adaptation to contemporary global trends. This can contribute to enhancing competitiveness and economic growth in the country. Further research should focus on a deeper analysis of digital service monetization mechanisms in the EU and their adaptation to the Ukrainian market.
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