The article describes some aspects that are important in the context of the functioning of institutions of higher education - namely, the concept of performance measurement, which can be an objective indicator of performance if it falls under the influence of Campbell and Goodhart's law, as a result of which HEIs will strive to achieve precisely formal performance indicators instead of real ones. According to Campbell's law, the frequent use of any performance evaluation indicator leads to data distortion and corruption risks. In addition, a misunderstanding of the activities of institutions of higher education may fall under the influence of Goodhart's law, which indicates that in the case when the purpose of carrying out certain management decisions is to achieve this or that indicator, they cease to effectively reflect reality, because in this case the actions of management of the institution of higher education will be aimed at formal results instead of real ones. Also, the article substantiates the importance of innovative activity in the context of the effectiveness of the activity of HEI, as it provides additional competitive advantages and sources of funding, which becomes more necessary during the full-scale war. Based on this, the article proposes a general mechanism for managing the innovative activity of higher education institutions. Also, the article discusses an innovative mechanism for overcoming resistance to change, the purpose of which is to improve communications in higher education institutions through active involvement and clarification of the need for changes. This mechanism involves the involvement of those who actively resist the changes by empowering them, conducting educational activities regarding the changes, simplifying the submission of information and active participation in the change processes of all personnel. However, this strategy also contains some principles that the author of the article considers unacceptable, namely coercion, manipulation and silencing of a certain part of information. According to the author of the article, they destroy trust in the institution of higher education and the use of such principles is not unethical and unacceptable.
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Change Management – Overcoming Resistance to Change (Kotter & Schlesinger). Teaching and Learning Support for A-Level, GCSE, BTEC and T-Levels | tutor2u. URL: