Data on the popularity of messengers in human life in general and in marketing in particular are discussed in the work. It is emphasized that among the world's famous messengers, the WhatsApp messenger is the most popular among the world's population. In addition, the benefits of using WhatsApp in business advertising and marketing campaigns were discussed, such as increasing awareness and engagement, running personalized campaigns, working with influencers and engaged consumers, unique Click-to-WhatsApp ads, providing seamless browsing, customer support, automation of the sales funnel, receiving feedback, segmentation by interests, intra-corporate communication. The main marketing tools of the messenger were investigated: account statuses, group chats and mailings. The messenger's business account and its opportunities for business promotion were analyzed in detail in the work. WhatsApp Business is a company profile created in a separate application for convenient communication with customers through the messenger, which allows to install a chatbot and has a premium subscription option. The Premium subscription, which gives access to additional features such as account verification (green tick), creation of a WhatsApp web page with a link, was also investigated. The Premium subscription is configured with detailed information about the company, connecting up to 10 devices to the account, dividing chats by employees and the ability to determine the source of the message. In addition, the features of WhatsApp Flows - specially configured forms that can be added to dialogues with customers instead of classic quick registration or purchase forms – were investigated. With their help, for example, you can book a train or plane ticket directly in the chat, make an appointment for a procedure or meeting, order food from a cafe or restaurant, etc. The conclusions of the study focus attention on the fact that the WhatsApp messenger can become a fairly effective Internet marketing tool for businesses, provided it is correctly configured and used.
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Latest WhatsApp for Business Updates that will boost your messaging. Available at: https://decisiontele.com/uk/news/latest-WhatsApp-business-updates-will-strengthen-your-messaging.html
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Business promotion in WhatsApp: who is suitable, methods of promotion. Available at: https://mavr.ua/ua/prodvizheniye-v-WhatsApp /
WhatsApp Ads for Business: A Guide to Creating and Setting Up Ads Available at: https://web-promo.ua/ua/blog/reklama-u-WhatsApp-dlya-biznesu-gajd-iz-stvorennya-ta-nalashtuvannya-ogoloshen/
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How to use WhatsApp for business. Available at: https://varosh.com.ua/biznes/yak-vykorystovuvaty-WhatsApp-dlya-biznesu
How to create and set up a WhatsApp business account. Available at: https://sendpulse.ua/blog/how-to-setup-WhatsApp-business-account
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Haq S., Waspodo B., Nuryasin N. (2021). Chatbot: Reservasi Restoran Online pada Facebook Messenger. Applied Information Systems and Management (AISM). Vol. 4 (1). P. 23–30. Available at:
WhatsApp Statistics. Available at: https://analyzify.com/statsup/whatsapp