• Tetyana Kryzhanovska
  • Anastasiia Karpova
Keywords: artistic development, teenager, discipline “Art”, art club.


The article discusses some methodological aspects of the activities of a school art club as an environment for the artistic development of adolescents. This scientific direction is due to some decrease in the importance of the “Art Education” educational field in modern school practice. The authors clarify the content and structure of the concept of “adolescent artistic development”, including cognitive, emotional-value, and creative-activity components, which allows for differentiated pedagogical influence. The small volume of the “Art” discipline determines the limitation of its practical (creative) component. The authors are convinced that the gaps in formal art education can be filled by an art club. It is intended to deepen students’ interest in art as a whole and in specific topics of the “Art” course, and to provide them with the opportunity to realize their creative potential through artistic activity. According to the authors, the positive aspects of the art club’s activities are the freedom from educational programs, the provision of an informal atmosphere for teenage communication, orientation towards students’ artistic interests, non-standard and original lesson plans. The article provides a fragmentary outline of the art club’s activities and methodological guidelines for their implementation. It is proven that extracurricular art education should be carried out taking into account the content and structure of the student’s artistic development. Thus, didactic information provided before each lesson enriches the artistic-cognitive sphere, while the non-standard format of teaching with the use of original forms of educational influence contributes to the activation of the emotional and value component. Involving students in independent diverse artistic activities influences the development of the creative component, deepening the content of school art education. The authors believe that the art club leader should perform the functions of a coordinator, consultant, and partner in artistic and creative endeavors with students.


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How to Cite
Kryzhanovska, T., & Karpova, A. (2023). ART GROUP AS AN ENVIRONMENT FOR THE ART DEVELOPMENT OF TEENAGERS. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (1), 19-23.