Keywords: tourism, tourism industry, tourism industry subjects/entities, transformation, competitive potential, methodical approach


The article provides a general overview of methods for analyzing and evaluating the competitive potential of tourism industry entities. The purpose of the article is to elucidate the basic provisions of the methods of analysis and assessment of the tourism industry subjects' competitive potential. The main task of the article is to identify the most productive methods for assessing the competitive potential of business entities and assessing the development of the tourism industry. The focus is on methods of assessing the competitive potential of economic entities proposed by well-known specialists and scientists, namely: Brych V., Halych N., Zaburan L. V., Kulik A. V., Butko M. P., Savitska O. P., Savitska N.V. Havryliuk S.P., Byba V.V., Tenytska N.B., Bilyzna A.R., Porter M., Bochan I.O. Various aspects of evaluating the development of the tourism industry are considered through the analysis of methods by Mazaraki A.A., Lebedev I.V., Zaiachkovska G., Butko M.P., SavitskaO., Gedin M., Korkuna O.I., Martseniuk L.M., and Yukhnovska Yu.O. Scientists propose a step-by-step approach to conducting analytical research, which is effective from the point of view of conducting a comprehensive and systematic assessment of the competitive potential of tourism industry entities. It is fundamentally important to determine the goal and objectives of evaluation, choose the subject and the object of evaluation, determine directions and the system of indicators (criteria) of the evaluation of the competing enterprises, calculate the integral indicator of the competitive potential, and determine the rank (place) of a tourism industry subject in general rating. Altogether, the diversity of methodological approaches in the study of methods of analysis and assessment of the competitive potential of tourism industry subjects indicates the necessity to combine various methods to obtain a comprehensive and objective assessment based on modern concepts of resource management and optimization, taking into account various aspects, such as demand variation, customer loyalty, and an integrated approach to a comprehensive understanding of the current situation. This study is topical from the standpoint of developing an author's approach to the methodology of analysis and assessment of the competitive potential of tourism industry entities.


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