Keywords: construction financing, Law of Ukraine No. 2518-IX, developers, investors, managers, future real estate object, special property rights, guarantee share, construction financing funds (CFF), sale and purchase agreements, issue of targeted bonds


The article provides an in-depth analysis of the impact of recent changes in Ukrainian legislation on construction financing mechanisms. The Law of Ukraine No. 2518-IX «On Guaranteeing Real Rights to Future Real Estate Objects», adopted on August 15, 2022, became a key element of the study, as it makes significant adjustments to the legal regulation of relations between developers, investors, managers and other subjects of the construction process. The authors of the article focus on the innovations introduced by this law, such as defining the role of developers, introducing the concepts of future real estate objects and special property rights, which have a significant impact on the construction financing processes. The article analyzes the novelty of the «guarantee share» in the analyzed law, which defines the minimum amount of future real estate objects with restrictions on fundraising and transactions, in order to ensure the completion of construction regardless of the financial condition of the customer or developer. Specific changes that occurred due to the adoption of Law No. 2518-IX and that affect the mechanism of financing from investors are highlighted. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of fundraising mechanisms, including construction financing funds (CFF), contracts for the sale and purchase of future real estate and the issuance of corporate bonds. The author analyzes the role and responsibilities of the CFF manager and presents the requirements for the manager under the law. The article also reveals the advantages and potential risks of the financing mechanism through the CFF, in particular in the context of regulation, control over the use of funds, interaction with the NSSMC, and ensuring investors' rights. The article also examines the potential risks associated with the use of these financial instruments and provides recommendations for optimizing financing strategies in the new legislative context. The practical task of the study is to increase the efficiency and transparency of construction project financing, as well as to protect the rights and interests of investors and developers in the difficult conditions of the current Ukrainian real estate market.


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How to Cite
Svichkar, N., Zahorelska, T., & Kobylyakov, A. (2024). ADAPTATION OF CONSTRUCTION FINANCING MECHANISMS TO THE NEW LEGISLATIVE ENVIRONMENT. Via Economica, (4), 177-185.