In the conditions of modern challenges and crisis situations arising from military conflicts, natural disasters and other extraordinary events, humanitarian aid becomes a vital necessity for many people. The effectiveness of providing such assistance largely depends on the organization of the control system, which ensures transparency, accountability and targeted use of resources. Public and government oversight play a key role in shaping such a system, creating mechanisms to prevent abuse and corruption, and ensuring proper use of the resources provided. In particular, in Ukraine, which has been in a state of conflict for a long time and is experiencing numerous challenges, the organization of an effective system for monitoring humanitarian aid is extremely important. The purpose of this article is to analyze the organizational foundations of building a humanitarian aid control system in Ukraine, focusing on the role of public and state control. By examining the main principles and mechanisms, we aim to highlight key aspects that will contribute to increasing efficiency and transparency in the field of humanitarian assistance. Public oversight plays a key role in ensuring transparency and accountability to the public. This includes the participation of local communities in the decision-making process, as well as monitoring the implementation of programs and projects. Civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations and local initiatives play an important role in ensuring that humanitarian aid reaches those most in need and that it is delivered efficiently and ethically. State control is also a necessary component of the system, especially in the context of international humanitarian aid, where governments regulate and monitor compliance with legislation and international standards. It ensures the fulfillment of human rights, the protection of vulnerable groups and the effective management of resources. State control is also a necessary component of the system, especially in the context of international humanitarian aid, where governments regulate and monitor compliance with legislation and international standards. It ensures the fulfillment of human rights, the protection of vulnerable groups and the effective management of resources. Therefore, effective control over the distribution and use of humanitarian aid is not only a matter of ensuring transparency and accountability, but also a matter of national security and stability. Ensuring proper control will increase the effectiveness of humanitarian programs, reduce the risks of corruption and abuse, and increase trust in humanitarian organizations both on the part of the population and international donors.
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