• Tetyana Kryzhanovska
  • Maria Yankevich
Keywords: musical development, teenager, bandur art


The article examines the method of realizing the pedagogical potential of bandura performance in the process of musical development teenage bandurists. The authors clarified the meaning of the concept “musical development of students bandurists”. In the author’s interpretation, musical development is a process of qualitative changes that occur in the musical experience of an individual, that is, in the system of musical competences acquired in practice, the ability to use the acquired musical knowledge and skills independently. In order to have a comprehensive and purposeful influence in the structure of the musical development of a student bandurist, the following spheres are highlighted: emotional; auditory perception; attitudinal; executive as well as cognitive. The structuring of this personal quality will allow the teacher to differentiate the task of musical development of the personality, in particular in the direction of enriching emotional experience, auditory impressions, musical interests and knowledge, and ensures the integrity of the developmental process. The focus of the study is on teenager students bandurists. A number of leading age-related psychological prerequisites contributing to the effectiveness of the musical development of teenagers are identified, in particular: intellectualization of cognitive processes, emergence of new learning motives, activation of the need for self-expression and independent creativity, intensification of the development of the emotional sphere, in particular moral, intellectual and aesthetic feelings, etc. Using the example of the author’s practice, it is proven: in the process of learning to play the bandura, teenagers get the opportunity to touch one of the most heroic domestic arts bandur art. Appropriately selected methods of pedagogical influence, focused on musical hearing (auditory analysis of musical language), intellectual (cognitive conversations), emotional (unusual bright form of acquaintance with musical works), attitudinal (enrichment of auditory musical impressions and inclusion in evaluation activities), practical (various types of creative activity) spheres, meeting the age needs of the teenager, contribute to his holistic musical development.


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How to Cite
Kryzhanovska, T., & Yankevich, M. (2023). METHODOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF MUSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF TEENAGE BANDURISTS. Art Education and Development of Creative Personality, (2), 28-32.